A Race Walkers Dream
Okay walkers you want alligators, rattlers, panthers bears, moccasins and all other manner of dangerous species crossing your path on your hot [ literarily) race walk of a lifetime? You will get them all together on a walk along the Florida Trail.
I will be fast packing my way along the trail. That is, I will be not carrying a heavy backpack. Rather, I will be carrying a small pack weighing less than 5 pounds. This will allow me to walk along the trail in segments. I will go out the trail and then return in the same direction that I came from then I will find the northern end of the trail walks south again to the point where I left off and return in the same direction again. Another advantage of this technique is that it will allow me to handle almost the entire trail in a long series of day trips. I have carefully analyzed the roots in an attempt to be able to do a large portion of the trail by these day trips, fast packing, with a light pack.
I begin my quest on the Loop Trail, the official start of the Florida Trail, which is located seven miles south of the Big Cyprus Visitors Center. It is an arduous and very difficult trek, Yet, over two days, I complete the fascinating journey.