Slowly Shaking
As I made y way out of the east entrance of the park the rolling hills were expected. It was the “Grizzly Bear Area” sign which gave me panic and alarm. Similar warnings directed all to beware of the presence of these big creatures and warned campers to only camp in designated areas. “No pop up tents” signs created visions of lonely visitors being devoured at night.
To date, I have encountered twenty bears during my Dream Walk and in northern Alaska and the Yukon three Grizzlies. I have learned that all bears and especially those with the collar bone hump [Grizzlies] are not to be messed with. But I have no choice but to continue
As I cautiously, and more quickly, walk my away along the rolling highway I keep my support vehicle close and large can of bear spray holstered on my hip. Frequent toots from my whistle, which I hope will prevent me from startling a bear and its cubs during a road side feeding, at least make me feel I am doing the utmost to stay safe. Thankfully, I am not attacked but accompanied by the heat I develop a throbbing tension headache.