The Monument
I offer Vinnie and Matt the opportunity to race each other to the finish giving each a chance to earn the $300 prize. They both decline and stay with me. And just like that My Dream Walk is finished. The four of us hold hands and cross the finish lie together. Onlookers cheer. I am content. Then Vanessa pushing the twins in a stroller and accompanied my Isabella [almost age 8] and Maya [age 6] walk their way too to the finish Isabella has a blister. The other six milers and three mile racers all finish. They are rightfully proud of their accomplishment. Those who could not participate in the walks are there to cheer us all.
It says we are 90 miles form Cuba. Tourists patiently wait in line to take photos at the monument. There is a buzz as folks learn that I have walked here from Alaska. The
family walk family gathers in front of the impressive monument. This wonderful moment is captured forever in video and in photos. Thank you family!