Not Bogarts Largo
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Everywhere in Key Largo there are remembrances of Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall’s fantastic film adventures and unforgettable saunter aboard the African Queen. Key Largo was their romantic port of call. Fans the world over still visit this one lane town hoping to glimpse that fiery, rustic, daring, and in its own way, innocent Largo. Alas, that Key Largo is no more!
For sure there are sleepy canals, run down fishing craft, and a cadre of semi-dropouts who have chosen a simpler, albeit not inexpensive, way of leaving America’s well known hustle and bustle. But, the non-stop heavy traffic, endless fast food joints, and well meaning, but demanding middle class tourists, have created a Largo which does not make you want to reminisce. “Here’s looking at you kid”.
Now we know why Bogart chose to uttered that famous line in Casablanca.