Wet at dawn
Sleep stimulates the magnificence of that time we called dawn even if the midnight sun precludes darkness making dawn only a new remembrance of other times in our universe.We break camp early. I am motivated although dissatisfied that my heavy pack distracts me from enjoying this fantastic lifetime of experience. But, of course in the end that was my fault.
The trek continues to be difficult across the unyielding tundra. Yet as many of my readers know after 45 years of walking I have the confidence to move forward. All I have to do is move slowly enough. In my mind I know that finishing this walking task is within my grasp.
Then, splash! I fall into the swift icy clear river current. As the water seeps ever upward, now tingling my throat, I know that I must get out of the raging river. The backpack pulls me down as my brain races for a solution. Using my walking stick as a lever, and with the confident helping hand of Michael, I pull myself out of the water and onto the frozen shoreline. After a quick change of socks, and not wanting to waste even more time, we push forward onto the tundra.